Meant relieve ships of the threat of enemy starfighters. The Phantom is fast and quiet, with a light armament (utilizing PIS Turrets as a main weapon) and in mass swarms, can overwhelm a ship (but it is no suggested to be used against enemy ships)

It is a larger design (not normal for Givosion Engineers) with a wingspan of 12 Meters, and an overall length of 3 meters. What it loses with its size, it makes up for in its powerful engines (with two ZPN/Generator/AM [AM experimental] Engines and two Ion Engines) it out maneuvers its enemy fighters/bombers.

Nickname the phantom by its pilots, it was given the name due to its ability to attack an enemy without warning and be gone almost as fast.

During Hyperspace travel the far tips (2 meters) of the wings fold in so to no drag while engageing FTL/Wormhole generators and re-engage once the ship has exited FTL.

Crew: 1

Size: 3 Meters

Wingspan: 12 Meters

Armor: 4 meters of Compacted T-D Omnitanium Nano Armor with 1 Inch of Ceramic armor to help adsorb Kinetic weapon impacts and 2 point defense lasers, one on its belly and one right behind the cockpit, designed to destroy incoming missiles and mass driver weapons.

Shielding: 1 Angel Shield

Hyperdrive: None

Sensor systems: Equipped

Targeting systems: Equipped

Navigation system: Navicomputer

Engine unit(s): 2 ion engines, 2 ZPM/Naquadah Powered Sublight Engine

Front: 1x Quad Laser Cannon
1x Proton Torpedo Tube (3 Torpedoes)

Wings (both sides combined): 2x Mass Drivers
1x Downsized MCPS (Anti-Fighter)
2x Heavy Laser Cannons
20x Anti-Matter Missiles