CoSMaC Federal Tax Bill

Realizing that to form a productive and effective government and military CoSMaC needs a source of capital the CoSMaC Federal Tax Bill establishes the legal right to tax member nations and put the funds gained into a general operating fund to cover the expenses of CoSMaC.

This bill authorizes the Director of the Economy to collect the taxes authorized in this bill along with donations member nations choose to make that are above and beyond their required tax rate.

Furthermore the Director of the Economy is authorized to form an annual budget for CoSMaC. This budget must be approved by the acting Executive. If the acting Executive is unable for whatever reason to approve or deny the presented budget then the Director of the Economy is empowered to approve the budget as is.

After a budget is formed and approved it can only be altered by unanimous vote of the sitting legislature. If the budget is altered after approval the Director of the Economy must determine if the proposed changes would endanger CoSMaC. If the Director of the Economy deems the changes dangerous then the budget remains unchanged.

This bill authorizes the Director of the Economy to form the Federal Auditing Office(FAO). The FAO will be required to maintain offices in every member nation so as they can efficiently audit the accounts of member nations to find fraud or other violations of tax law. The FAO can not be barred from reviewing any account of a member nation. For that reason records released to the FAO will not be released to other members, governments, organizations, or any office outside the Department of the Economy.

Additionally this bill authorizes the Director of the Economy to create and run the Special Auditing Operations Bureau(SAOB). SAOB will be charged with investigation of crimes found by FAO. Members of SAOB can not be barred from entering a member nation while preforming their duties. If SAOB finds the nation in question guilty of the crimes presented by FAO then SAOB is authorized to seize up to forty-five percent(45%) of the nation in questions government wealth and to file charges on the nation in question with the highest established court.

Taxes of member nations of CoSMaC are to be paid once a year to the Department of the Economy.(RL month.). Member nations are granted the right to donate more then their required tax rate to CoSMaC but these donations will not affect their set tax rate.

For a nations taxes to be considered paid then on the date determined by the Director of the Economy then it must be confirmed that the FAO has been aloud to access the proper accounts of a nation and pull their taxes, a duly appointed official of a nation may with in the week leading up to their taxes being do appear in the local office of the FAO to settle their taxes.

Taxes are to be collected from a nations "National Wealth". When the appropriate sum of is taken from a nations account the Department of the Economy is required to present them with a receipt to confirm their payment and amount paid. If a receipt is not issued the Department of the Economy will be found at fault and will be liable to be taken to court. Furthermore if a receipt is not issued then the Department of the Economy must refund to the nation their taxes in full.

The tax rate for nations in CoSMaC that are known as just members, meaning they hold no position in the legislature or are the acting Executive is ten percent(10%).

The tax rate for nations that hold seats on the legislature is fifteen percent(15%).

The tax rate for the nation holding the acting Executive seat is twenty percent(20%).

An additional one percent(1%) is added to the rate of any nation holding a seat on either the Military or Diplomatic Director Boards.

In times of Emergency this bill authorizes the acting Executive to levy a emergency tax. This action will allow the Director of the Economy to collect from each nation their assigned tax rate. An Emergency Tax Levey(ETL) will not cause nations to no pay their taxes on the duly appointed date.

CoSMaC Federal Banking Act

CoSMaC Federal Banking Act

Realizing the the currency of CoSMaC is optional to all members and that such currency has been deemed the CoSMaC credit the Department of the Economy proposes that a central bank be formed for the currency of CoSMaC to ensure it holds value equal to all member nations national currencies and so the CoSMaC currency can go head to head with other currencies.

This act creates a central bank known as the CoSMaC Federal Reserve. The Reserve will be under the direction of the Director of the Economy. The Director of the Economy has the authority to appoint a Chairperson of the Reserve to preform the duties of the Director of the Economy. This Chairperson will serve at the pleasure of the Director of the Economy.

The Director of Trade will be designated as the second chair of the Reserve. This position will run the reserve if the Director of the Economy is not able to and the Director of the Economies appointed Chairperson fails at their duties. The Director of Trade can as they wish appoint a proxy to fill this position if need be.

The Reserve will hold all collected taxes of CoSMaC in physical form to insure security. If at the end of a fiscal year there is unspent tax money that money will be transfered to a account in the Reserve to be used as emergency funds. These funds can only be accessed and used if signed off on by the Acting Executive and Director of Trade.

The Reserve will issue Federal Grants as directed in the CoSMaC Trade Bill. This bill amends the CoSMaC Trade Bill so that the signature of the Director of Trade is not needed on Federal Grants spend within CoSMaC Space. This bill will require Federal Grants be singed by the Director of Economy, Director of Trade, and the Acting Executive when the grant is given to an allied nation or the funds will be spend on a project outside of CoSMaC space.

Membership the to Reserve is not required or forced upon members. Joining the Reserve is the choice of individual governments. If a member nation of CoSMaC uses the currency of CoSMaC then they are members of the Reserve. For convince of Reserve members small branch offices will be set up where deemed appropriate by local governments.

The Reserve is authorized to open and maintain private accounts of citizens of CoSMaC member nations and member nations companies. The Reserve is also authorized to make loans to aforementioned clients. Extra money made from these loans and accounts will be used first to pay for the Reserve and its branches and any left over will be added to the emergency funds account.

Federal Investigative Agencies Act

Preamble: This document hereby instates federal law enforcement officers under the administration of the following respective agencies that serve to enforce federal law and secure public and federal security through the performing of their duties.

Jurisdiction: Agencies established by this act will have jurisdiction in CoSMaC International Space and all planetary bodies that fall within International Space. If an agency wishes to investigate or work within a CoSMaC member nation's sovereign territory, they must work with the corresponding agencies of the member nation to ensure that national sovereignty is not superceded by Confederate Mandate.

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies: The following law enforcement agencies will be placed into action following the ratification of this act.

Federal Investigative Service(FIS): This agency serves to:
Protect the Confederation of the Small Magellanic Cloud(CoSMaC) from internal terrorist attack
Protect the CoSMaC against foreign intelligence operations and espionage within CoSMaC space
Protect the CoSMaC against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes
Combat public corruption at all levels
Protect civil rights;
Combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises within CoSMaC
Combat major white-collar crime
Combat significant violent crime
Support federal, state, local and international partners
Investigate the violation of federal law by citizens of CoSMaC
This agency will therefore report and fall under the command of the Director of Internal Affairs and the Executive

2. Military Investigative Command(MIC): This agency serves to:
Investigate all violations of federal and military law by military personnel
Combat significant violent crime involving the Federal Armed Forces
Protect military personnel rights
Combat terrorism through counter-terrorism and cyber-security measures within military jurisdiction
This agency will therefore report and fall under the command of the Supreme General of CoSMaC Forces and the Administrator of CoSMaC Intelligence

3. Officer Protection Agency(OPA): This agency serves to:
Ensure the security of elected officials of CoSMaC working in liaison with national protective agencies.
This agency will therefore report and fall under the command of the Director of Internal Affairs and the Executive

4. Federal Protective Police(FPP): This agency serves to:
Protect all CoSMaC federal buildings and properties from possible harm.
Ensure security of all persons within, on, or near federal properties.
Protect treasury buildings and the investigations of violations of federal law that invovled the treasury and its staff.
This agency will therefore report and fall under the command of the Director of Economy and the Executive since they will protect and defend faction assets.

6. Federal Special Commission(FSC): This agency is:
Formed by the Executive and approved by a majority vote of the Legislature to contain situations that are not covered specifically by another department. Because this commission is created on a case by case basis, they will report directly to the Executive and the Chairman of the Diplomatic Board.
Funded by a special commission tax that will be enacted as a one time draft for a percentage that is approved by a majority vote of the legislature.

Federal Law Enforcement Powers:

The officers of these agencies will therefore carry out their duties, the enforcement of federal law, utilizing the following powers. This act also grants the Executives of these agencies to, with the sanction of the Executive, allow other law enforcement privileges.

Powers of Arrest- Arresting of any person(s) who, under probable cause, are suspected of committing a crime or commit crimes within the sight of an officer
Carrying of a firearm
Enforcement of federal law as outlined by their agency's'' duties
Detaining of suspects for up to 48 hours without cause
Enforcement of federal warrants
Monitoring of suspects' communications as it pertains to federal security purposes when probable cause is found( National Governments are NOT bound by this privilege and has immunity from this privilege.)
The authority of entering any member nation of CoSMaC when performing federal duties
Ceasing of any personal property as it pertains to investigative or federal purposes, only when probable cause is found

CoSMaC Trade Bill

According to this bill being presented to the CoSMaC Legislation and Executive Offices by the current Trade Director of CoSMaC, Akred Dulis, CoSMaC shall institute standard Trade Relguations and Laws to all her representing Nations and Territories. These laws and regulations MUST be followed in Standard Procedure to insure parties involved in trade with CoSMaC or her nations are satisfied.
As well, this bill shall outline the laws and regulations at which the nations within CoSMaC shall trade.

Article One [Laws and Regulations]:
According to this Article, CoSMaC shall enforce any and all laws and regulations that this Article may present and outline for due process.

CoSMaC Shall NOT label any items as Federal Contraband and will not enforce a standard Contraband list. HOWEVER, CoSMaC WILL Respect her individual Nations' lists of Contraband items, and will provide Federal Customs enforcers with the lists to ensure that CoSMaC Nations uphold their zero tolerance policies for contraband items.

CoSMaC MUST be informed of any and all trade policies individual nations have with Nations outside of CoSMaC to provide Customs with the detailed routes so they may not interfere with said trading policies.

CoSMaC will NOT enforce standard trade between her nations, or outside nations. CoSMaC Will, however support Federal Trade routes to ensure better quality trade between her nations, and those nations outside of CoSMaC trading them her nations.

ALL Trade is ultimately up to the Individual nations, and CoSMaC Can not enforce any Trade between Nations of any kind or under any banner, even under CoSMaC's Own. CoSMaC does support Trade, however, whenever possible to provide a large source and variety of goods CoSMaC Nation's see use of and may take to their own needs.

Federal Trade Routes shall be taxed for annual Federal Income to keep the State of the Union financially supported and healthy. Federal Trade routes are designated as the provided Mass Relay and Stargate Network Systems in SMC. The Tax shall be subject to change at any and all times, and is left to the Director of Economy for finalization and labeling of the Taxes.

Federal Customs shall be provided to all CoSMaC Representing Nations to ensure the thorough searches and seizures of Contraband, and other illegal activities, as well ensuring the safety of CoSMaC Nations from threats, terrorism, etc.

All Nations have the right to not use the Federal Trade routes and use their own. Those caught using Federal Trade routes without first paying the Federal Tolls shall be pursued and placed into Custody by Federal or CoSMaC State [Individual Nation] Agencies.

[Following Content Will Yet to be Legalized until the Subject At Matter changes: CoSMaC Station must be Completed. Once complete, delete this Notice]
All Foreign Trade Transits must first Check in at the Designated CoSMaC Station at the Entrance to the SMC. There, they shall be provided the necessary information to proceed into CoSMaC Space by Federal Customs. Those failing to do so shall be placed into Federal Customs' Custody.

All Outgoing Trade Transits owned by CoSMaC Nations must check out of CoSMaC Space at the Designated CoSMaC Station at the Entrance to the SMC. There, they shall be checked out, with a estimated return arrival to SMC Space. Failing to return after the estimated time will call for Search and Rescue parties to attend to what is now labeled as Federal Property. By these means, CoSMaC May determine what is necessary to retrieve the Lost Property.
[Notice Ends Here]

Federal Trade will be the act of Trading with either Individual Governments or another Faction/Alliance with CoSMaC itself being apart of the trade. This will provide the Federal Government with an income of Trade Goods, Resources, and/or money to provide to her nations, to place into reserves for future use, or to be sold again for other items, goods, resources, and/or money.
Federal Reserves are to only be tapped by Federal Grants that are signed by both the Directors of Econemy and Trade and the Executive Office.

The Director of Trade shall keep a Trade Logistics updated at the beginning of every Legislation Term.

CoSMaC Nations that Provide to Federal Reserves by acts of either Trading and/or donating may do so on their own terms. If the Nation(s) wish to do so, contact the Director of Trade [If not, the Director of Economy] to begin discussing a Trade Contract or Donation Contract (By Nations choice.)

State of Emergency Procedures:
Encase of a State of Emergency, the Director of Trade will call for a seize of any and all Foreign Trade until further notice, unless stated otherwise. Internal Trade between CoSMaC Nations may or may not be suspended depending on the situation. All inquiries dealing with Trade are asked to be presented before the Director of Trade for to resolve the matter.

Any further information will be provided by the Director of Trade at the time the situation arises.

Final Notes:

This Bill May be subject to change by the Executive, Legislation, or the Directors of Trade or Economy at any time if the need for change is necessary. All other parties must request permission from the intended parties to change this bill.

CoSMaC Customs Bureau Bill

According to this Bill, being presented to the Legislation of CoSMaC and then the Executive Office by the current Director of Trade within the Confederacy of the Small Magellanic Cloud [CoSMaC], Director Akred Dulis, the initiation of the CoSMaC Custom's Bureau shall be made and implemented with the terms of Directing Commerce, trade, transit, and official space travel within the Territories and Representing Nations of CoSMaC. The Customs Bureau shall have all rights and Authority, to preserve the security of transit within CoSMaC, to have full jurisdiction of the Transit Security to provide safer procedures, Transit Standards, eliminating smugging and contraband, and rooting out possible threats to CoSMaC and her nations.

Article One [Structure and Command]:
According to this Article, the CoSMaC Customs Bureau shall implement a structured Chain of Command to preserve the integrity of the Bureau, allow for smother operations, and keep all men and women of the Bureau in check with the Standards and Procedures.

Section One [Chain of Command]:
According to this Section of Article One, the CoSMaC Customs Bureau shall present before the Executive Office the Chain of Command, in full details:

- CoSMaC Customs Bureau
-- Administration
--- Administrator of CoSMaC Customs [Designated Director of Trade of CoSMaC (Current: Akred Dulis)]
---- Board of Customs Directors [Includes All Members of the BOMADD]
----- Customs Board Chairman [Designated Director of Economy of CoSMaC]

-- Customs Offices Chain
--- CoSMaC Customs Central Office [Located in the Small Magellanic Cloud [SMC] 'Meta Zone']
---- CoSMaC Customs Representational Offices (Each Nation Has At least ONE Office)
----- Localized Offices [Located Within All Areas of Planetary, Galactic, Universal, or Multiversal Transit]

- Customs Divisions
-- Centralized Division
--- Custom's Aerospace Traffic Control Group [Monitors All Traffic going in and out of a Specified Area, or entire
CoSMaC Space itself]
--- Custom's Offices [Refer to Offices Chain]
---- Customs Recruitment [Recruits Customs Workers]
-- Custom's Agents Division [Standard Customs Services]
--- Custom's Standard Customs Agents [Standard Port Security Detail]
---- Customs's Special Response Team (Spec-Res Team) [Standard Spaceport Emergency Team]
-- Custom's Inspection Division [In charge of Boarding Unidentified and/or Newly Arrived Ships in CoSMaC Space or Representing Nation's Space]
--- Custom's Boarding Team [Standard On-Site Team In charge of Securing a Boarded Object; Used only if Ship Presents a Threat or is Unidentified]
--- Custom's Inspection Group [Standard After-Boarding Team in Charge of Searching Boarded Object]
-- Customs Reconnaissance Division [In-charge of Monitoring Any and All Plausible Smuggling or Illegal Transit Ships within CoSMaC Space]
--- Custom's Cyber/Electronic Warfare Group [Applies Any Electronic COM's or Signals from Unmarked and/or Unidentified ships to Suspected Illegal Groups]
--- Custom's Radar Monitoring Division [Monitors all Radar Traffic for Any Suspicious Activity]
--- Customs Special Tasks Group [Infiltrates Crime to root out Threats, Smugglers, and other Illegal Activities in CoSMaC]
-- Custom's Security Fleet [Fleet Made up of Specially Suited Craft of Large and Small designs able to Fight if engaged, and able to do boarding procedures]
--- Security Ships [Ships designated to Provide Blockades to designated Craft or areas to deterrent and/or block any
ship for Transit]
--- Boarding Ships [Ships Designated to Commit Boarding Procedures]
--- Battle Ships [Ships Designated to Engage Hostile Targets, and armed with enough firepower to Hold a fleet until Reenforcement]

Article Two [Laws, Procedures, and Rights]:
According to this Article, the Customs Bureau shall present the guidelines, rights, and laws that the Bureau would like to present on itself, and the Nations of CoSMaC.

Section One [Laws, Procedures, and Rights of the Customs Bureau]:
1.1 [Custom's Rights, Laws, and Procedures]: According to this Subsection of Article 2, Section 1, CoSMaC Customs has the right to, under subject of this law, search any vessel coming to and from any nation if it is under suspicion of illegal activities. These activities include, but are not limited to, Carrying Active Military Units,

Smuggling, Carrying Contraband, or preforming any Illegal activity, such as trespassing, that has not been listed. All will result in the immediate impoundments of the transit object and it's crew.

Docking Stations at the entrance to all of CoSMaC space and her representing Nations shall be provided for proper and peaceful boarding solutions.

ALL Ships, Newly Arrived in CoSMaC or a CoSMaC Representative's Space, shall be inspected before proceeding into the Space. Any Unidentified ships shall be halted and hailed, and if required, shot at to deny proceedings into CoSMaC Space. Docking will be required at the proper Space Station or nearest planetary docking center.

If a ship keeps its Identity hidden, or has no identity, and Fails to respond to proper Hails from Custom Agencies, as well as any additional hails from CoSMaC or her nations,

Custom's has the right to breach protocols of that ship to gain control over it as it presents itself a threat to CoSMaC. Failing to Respect Custom's Agency Laws and Regulations will result in immediate impound of the object of transit and it's crew. Captain of the ship will face the most punishment when under trial.

Boarding Procedures shall be peaceful unless the crew of the boarded transit object have provided means to be hostile and possibly use lethal force.

All Transit Objects and Crew have the following Rights when under Custody of Inspection or Boarding Teams:
The Right to Remain Silent during Questioning. Anything you Say will be used against you during your Prosecution
The Right to Answer Questions in a formal, truthful manner. Any Untruthful Answers shall be used against you during Prosecution
If you are not a CoSMaC citizen, you may contact your country's consulate prior to any questioning.
If you have any Illegal Items, Contraband, Active Force, weaponry, dangerous items, or Smuggled Items Aboard, to designate them at once or will be charged otherwise in full force.
If lethal force was presented upon them, Custom's Officers have right to Lethal Interrogation.

ANYTHING Illegal, like Contraband, can and will be confiscated by CoSMaC Agents. Failing or refusing to give up possession shall result in another charged as you are detained. Further Trial shall be placed, and the transit object shall be impounded along with the crew.

Any attempt to resist boarding of the ship shall result in lethal force. Any weapons used against Boarding Parties shall be put down in the manner the agent(s) see fit to protect themselves. Resisting arrest under Custom's agents shall be put to trial as another charged Felony.

Any Active Military aboard the transit object shall be asked to relieve themselves of any and all weaponry, and present themselves in a peaceful fashion to Customs Agents. Any persons on the transit object with a weapon is asked to keep it in a secured location. Any Weapon in an active state, such as in the hands of the owner, shall be asked to relieve themselves of it. Resisting this order will mean Lethal force will be required. Persons, from there, aboard the ship have the possibility of being shot on site when holding a weapon.

Any ships suspected of Smuggling (Hidden Contraband) shall have the added charge.

Any ships suspected of Trespassing shall be halted until confirmed transit is made. If transit is denied, the ship shall be impounded, and crew detained.

If the ship is owned by a government not under the CoSMaC Banner, the Government, now at question for acts of war, shall be alerted to the situation while charges with the Universal Community shall be made.

If the Ship is owned by a government under the CoSMaC Banner, the Government, now at question for treason and acts of war, shall be alerted to the situation while charges are placed with CoSMaC.

If Lethal force is applied to Custom's Agents, they will respond in the same manner.

Customs Has the Right to have Active Military Personnel on Station and Duty of their designated locations and areas and able to move across CoSMaC Space in order to provide better security and reaction times. These areas also include individual CoSMaC Representing Nations, but have no authority past the jurisdiction to regulate Federal Transit and Trade, as well, to provide security.

Failing to abide by these laws while in CoSMaC Space shall be prosecuted or killed in which whatever the situation is deemed fit.

1.2 [Offices]: CoSMaC Customs has right to place At least ONE Representative Office in a CoSMaC Nation, as to where the Nation see's fit to place them.

All Spaceports, Airports, and any other Planetary, Galactic, Universal, or Multiversal Transit Hubs are to have ONE CoSMaC Customs Checkpoint in arrival and departure zones.

All Space-Stations are to support a CoSMaC Customs Office and a Customs Checkpoint in arrival and Departure zones.

1.3 [Emergency Powers Granted in A State of Emergency]:

During a State of Emergency, the following powers, abilities, and rights are granted to the Customs Bureau.

ANY AND ALL SHIPS are subject to be boarded by a standard Boarding Team, followed by Customs Inspectors, either during standard inspection times or random inspections due to suspicious activity. ALL Ships are deemed to plausibility of a threat and should take note that any Illegal activity being preformed shall be met with full consequences of that activity's punishment.

Customs Agents have the right to take custody of those who pose crimes in any nature while in CoSMaC Space.

Customs Agents have full ability to seize any and all rights while they claim jurisdiction of a certain area for investigation.

Customs Agents have the right to use lethal force in any situation deemed too risky otherwise.

Customs Offices shall seize FULL control over any and all ports they are located at for Federal Security. They shall work in JOINT FORCE will the Individual Nations to provide top security.

Any Aliens within CoSMaC Space have ZERO Rights and Liberates under a State of Emergency, and are asked to leave CoSMaC Space while the State is current and active, and until it ends. Any Aliens that are told otherwise may NOT leave CoSMaC space. Any Aliens refusing to go may have Lethal Force applied against them after a Warning is issued.

All of these rights are ACTIVE AND EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY as a State of Emergency is called, and until the Duriation of the State of Emergency ends.