
Black Talon

     The Black Talon is a combination of many advanced Avionics technologies, designed with the needs of all the military services in mind, the aircraft was designed to be tough enough to fight alone, carry enough weapons to the fight to destroy any target, and be able to operate in unison with the rest of the fleet, ground forces, ect. The Fighters onboard A.I. allows it to track thousands of targets within a battlespace and be able to determine which targets should be destroyed and even in what order to deal the most damage to the other force in terms of psychological, and literal damage. The Fighter also has an Inertia Dampener to keep from the fighter from being torn apart by the shear stresses of its rapid manuevering and to keep the pilot from killing himself. The Fighter was built to carry out a meriad of missions, from Close Air-Support, to Fighter Superiorty, to full blown Anti-Capitol ship attacks.  Anti-Fighter Frigates, Beware.

Propulsion: H3 Fueled ScramJet/Pulse Combustion Engines

Speed In Earth atmosphere:75,000 mph max

Speed in space: upwards of 7,750,000 mph within 15 sec

Armament:2, 50mm Railguns, 10 Missile Hardpoints plus 2 Ship-to-ship Missiles(+4 Internally stored Missile Hardpoints for the Short Range Varient). Also has a forward facing Plasma Beam cannon for close range Anti-Capitol ship attacks.

Armor: 4 Inches of T-D Omnitanium Nano Armor with 1 Inch of Ceramic armor to help adsorb Kinetic weapon impacts and 2 point defense lasers, one on its belly and one right behind the cockpit, designed to destroy incoming missiles and mass driver weapons.

Radar visibility: 40,000,000 miles

Stealth Systems: Anti-Radar coatings that absorb 99.999% of all radar signatures. ECM to Jam Radar and IR sensors. Anti-IR systems that make the fighter appear to be as cold as space itself. Active Camo which allows light across the entire spectrum pass right through the aircraft.

Radar Signature: None

IR Signature: None

Flight time with fully filled tank: 28 hours 12 minutes 56 seconds

FTL: YES for long Range Varient 

Crew:1 with a Combat A.I. Loaded in to help the pilot during dogfights and to when providing CAS and/or Dodging AA.