
Aпокалипсис Class Destroyer

    Aпокалипсис is Russian for Apocalypse. This warship has built in Inertia dampners to make its high speed manuevers rival that of the F-666 Black Talon, and to decrease the damage done by Kinetic energy weapons. Although not the toughest warship in terms of armor and shield power, the Aпокалипсис is faster then any other warship in the fleet, carries a large amarment for its size, and has powerful stealth systems allowing for deep strikes into enemy territory. The Aпокалипсис was designed to FTL right into an enemy fleet formation, often within a few hundred feet of a target and fire away all its weapons so that the targets anti-frigate/anti-capitolship guns were too close to hit it.

Speed:7,500,000 mph within 25 seconds the Aпокалипсис can accelerate to 130,000 miles per second with its advanced Impulse drive that drains power from the Plasma weapons and stealth systems to give the ship the massive speed boost.

Troop Capacity: 50 Troops

Armament: (All Armaments aim forwards except for the Anti-Missile systems which provide 360 degree all around cover.)
  • 2, 20 meter wide Plasma Beam Cannons(twin Barrel Design) with an oscillating plasma wave to further cause damage to aship armor surrounding the initial impact point and to facilitate further penetration.(Temp:100 Million Degrees Farenheit)
  • 20 Anti-Fighter Turrets
  • 20 GALDIUS's
  • 20 ABMS's
  • 4 Thermal Beam Projector(250 Million Degrees{two on top of the wings, two beneath)
  • 4 High Intensity Laser Cannons(500mm, with KE equal to a 500mm Titanium Projectile moving at 30,000MPS)
  • 20 Ex Machina Cannons
  • 10 Missile pods Optimized for Ship-to-Ship Combat
  • 20 Plasma Flak Cannons
  • 3,000 Drones
  • 1 MCPS
Armor: 10 Feet of ENDURA Armor

Target Acquisition Systems: Multiple AI's that will constantly calculate firing solutions possible enemy movements and also utilize the point defense systems to full effect.

Stealth Systems: Anti-Radar coatings that absorb 99.999% of all radar signatures. ECM to Jam Radar and IR sensors. Anti-IR systems that make the ship appear to be as cold as space itself. Active Camo which allows light to pass right through it.

Stealth Detection Systems: Gravitational distortion detector, Ultra Sensitive Radar, Ultra sensitive IR detector, Extreme quality camera to detect flaws in Active camo systems, Gravitational distortion detector, long range(250 AU) passive electrical sensor and short range(25AU) active electrical sensor. Advanced FTL Detection system, Slipspace Detection System, Spatial distortion detector and Long range gravity well detector and countermeasure. The ship also comes equipped with a Gravity well generator capable of pulling craft out of Hyperspace, wormholes and distort Slipspace within 50AU. To aid its detection systems the Assault Destroyer also carries 100 LRRS's for long range detection.

Electronic Warfare Systems: UNTAROS Battle Management/Weapons A.I.

Mech Pods: 10

FTL: Yes


1 Angel Shield, plus 1 activatable DEH right up against the Angel Shield

Total Ships in fleet: Unknown

Price: 160,000,000,000 Dollars